What Inspires Me To Work Happy

I awake each day and realize that I have permission to begin a new life, an authentic life. I may live the rest of my life honoring my mental, emotional and physical wellness while also doing my best professional work.
My Life Is A Poem
My wellness is poetry in motion
I do my best work when my time feels like the flow of an ocean
Where the heavy lifting is in stride with the tides
And I know where I'm going is aligned with the wave I'm riding
After I inspect my expectations
Reflect on what I've learned
Set my compass
And my starting location
Only then will I know where and when to catch the best waves.

Integrating my authentic self with my work is a bit of a balancing act. But it's worth it. When I can actually write a POEM about my WORK, then I have to sit back and realize that indeed crazy lady, you have finally integrated your heart into your work.
It takes emotional safety to work with the heart
The heart can be like an eel. An eel pokes its nose at the opening of underwater holes and crevasses but will generally sink back if provoked. If it sees opportunity to feed, it will surge forward and grab its prey. It may creep around a bit to get a sense of its territory, but it likes best to be well protected between the corrals and rocks.

We all need an inner critic and skeptic. Even right now, as I'm working away at this incredibly fun creative project, I can hear mine chiming in the background...
"Why are you publishing this? Who would want to read it anyway? This is all your stuff, not theirs. They won't understand it. They will insult or ridicule it".
Befriend your most vulnerable and intimate self and everything you share will be done so as though presenting a gift to someone you care about. It doesn't matter if they take it or leave it, you shared something authentic and that act alone is the gift.