Until you've done it, It's almost impossible to "get" what role love has to play in the Happy Work treasure hunt. But when you do get it, you won't be able to work without it again.
Do you ever ask yourself, "If I had a choice and money was not the deciding factor, who would I choose to work with?". I've asked myself that question plenty of times. Who I come up with are not necessarily just those I think I'd have fun working with, although I'd definitely be sure to include several of them. It's also, who complements my work style and keeps me motivated? Who is honest yet compassionate about how they deliver constructive criticism? Who is centered, grounded, and willing to take the time to listen and communicate effectively? Who gets the mission we are on (work-wise) and acts as a champion, but the kind who understands the spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law?
Don't be a Scrooge...
When we start getting into spirit versus materiality, we are entering into the territory of love and compassion. You don't have to be in love with people to be compassionate and loving. Everyone deserves love and compassion. So in turn, doesn't that mean the world would be a better place if we loved everyone?
Those that want to escape this universal law of "leading with love and compassion" because they are so fed up with all the lack of these sentiments in the world are really saying they don't feel they deserve it either. So they'd rather live in their own hole and avoid avoid avoid. When the depression sets in, the anger management issues, the jealousy and "keeping up with the Jones" ego issues, the "I hate him or her" sentiments, all we have at the end of the day is our own face looking back at us in the mirror, but no feeling of inner peace.
True, some of us may not even know what inner peace is. Jumping from one fancy toy or ego trip to another is enough to keep us materialy fulfilled. But what we don't realize is that "things" and "ego trips" can just be another form of avoiding whats true inside of us. So we find more ways to avoid in order not to have to feel this depth of reality.
But life doesn't have to be about avoiding and living like Charles Dicken's Ebenezer Scrooge. At the end of the day, Scrooge had to face all the moments where he lost out on love. In his case, he had some painful memories to sit with, which he spent the majority of his life avoiding. His avoidance went as far as losing the love of his his life. He chose the dense material world instead of love, the world of money and keeping score.
At a certain point, Scrooge realized that he was indeed miserable. And it wasn't until he started showering others with gifts and compassion that he found happiness. Because people aren't made to live in holes, or turn into Scrooges. There are plenty of Scrooges that keep company with each other, mind you. And they share a miserable half-life of keeping score with each other some days, and grasping for a little love and compassion other days. Dare I say many of us are at this level? Just look at the world, our nation's politics for example.
So, what's love got to do with happiness at work?
Am I going out on a limb to say that we'd all be happier at work if we just treated each other with love and compassion - every day - all the time - no matter what? Tough love is important too, and I'll get into that another time. But the bottom line is we'd all be happier and we'd do better work if we were working from a place of inner peace. And you can't have inner peace without following the universal law of leading with love and compassion. So when we are looking at the man made laws and rule books we all have to live with and by, let's try to remember, the spirit of the law always leads with love and compassion.
Speaking from the heart, Alicia
Thanks for reading! I'm always interested in your thoughts and feelings about topics I bring up. I hope to never offend anyone. Please feel free to reach out if you have something to say, or a question to ask me.
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