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Alicia Lerrigo
4 min read
What's Love Got To Do With Happiness At Work?
The spirit of the law versus the letter of the law.

Alicia Lerrigo
3 min read
Welcome to the Happy Work Revolution!
Have you ever drearily dragged yourself out of bed on a Monday morning, knowing you have a full week of soul-sucking work ahead? Well,...

Alicia Lerrigo
9 min read
What is Happy Work?
Identifying what makes you happy in life is not always as easy as it sounds, and a person's work life has more of an affect on happiness tha

Alicia Lerrigo
2 min read
Welcome to My Blog
Blogging for Self-care and Work/Life Balance

Alicia Lerrigo
2 min read
The Road To Me
An oversimplified little story about gratitude and finding my authentic self. I was born me, and then I explored other options because I...

Alicia Lerrigo
3 min read
What motivates people the most is determined by how they feel, not what they think or believe. A highly sensitive PM who hasn't learned...

Alicia Lerrigo
6 min read
Sensitivity And EQ In Project Management; What's The Difference?
A Highly Sensitive Project Manager must self-actualize to find their place of work happiness. They cannot squelch their inner wisdom forever

Alicia Lerrigo
3 min read
Taking Time To Organize When You Don't Have Time
Taking time to organize when you don't think you have time
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